Our students are learning about the sacrament of baptism in Theology with Mrs. Bartee!

Bring us your shoes for a great cause!

Happy February! Stay in the loop with this week's Bulldog Beat and catch all the exciting events!

Individual tickets for the 25th Annual Mardi Gras Gala are now for sale! Please visit www.sacbstx.org/o/sacbs/page/mardi-gras-tickets to purchase online. You may also call the office to purchase tickets over the phone. Tickets are $100.00 a piece.

SELL, SELL, SELL those raffle tickets! You'll have the chance to win free dress for the rest of the year, for a month or for a week!
Sign up to sell tickets at M&D supply here- https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A4EAAAF28A5FCC25-54314023-md#/
Sign up to sell tickets after Mass here - https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0B49AAA922A6F8C25-54268904-mardi#/

Saturday is the final day of Catholic Schools Week 2025! Today is "Celebrate Families"! we celebrate our families who support and love our school community! Thank you for being a part of the true, good and beautiful school body we have here at St. Anthony Cathedral Basilica School!

Dear families, please review the attached letter regarding an important training coming up for your child. If you choose to opt out, the forms are due by 2/6.

Friday is "Celebrate Faculty, Staff & Volunteers" for Catholic Schools Week 2025! We will be catering a special lunch for our team that helps us make it all happen behind the scenes.
*Friday, 1/31 is an early release day at 11:15 AM for students. Please plan accordingly.

Please see the attached letter regarding uniform changes for the 25/26 school year.

For "Celebrate Vocations" we were honored to have Fr. Rodel & Sr. Jessie Thomas (yes, that is her name!) come and speak to us about religious life! Our students put together spirit bouquets for each of them. ✝️

Good Morning,
This is just a reminder that we will be dismissing students at 11:15 tomorrow. No lunch or aftercare will be provided. Also in addition to their normal spirit shirts students are invited to wear their Mardi Gras shirts that they purchased.
Have a great day!

Now is a great time to enroll at SACBS! If you enroll before March 1, 2025, registration is only $300! After March 1, 2025, the registration fee is $475.
Current Families Intent to Re-Enroll - www.sacbstx.org/forms/intent-to-re-enroll
NEW Student Inquiry - www.sacbstx.org/forms/student-inquiry

Current families! Please remember to fill out the Intent to Re-Enroll form! If you re-enroll before March 1st, Registration is only $300! After March 1st, the registration fee goes up to $475.
Here is the link to the Intent to Re-Enrollment form - www.sacbstx.org/forms/intent-to-re-enroll

Thursday is "Celebrate Vocations" for Catholic Schools Week 2025! Students will have the opportunity to hear two guest speakers talk about vocations. We are pleased to have Father Rodel and Sister Jessie come speak to us on Thursday morning!

Sonshine Mass! ☀️

Monsignor Kelly Catholic High School will be hosting the 8th grade Shadow Day on Friday, February 7, 2025. This is a fabulous day where your student will see what it is like at the Dawg House! 8th graders will need to be dropped off at the MKCHS Centennial Gym at 8:00 AM and picked up at 3:35 PM on this day.

Wednesday is "Celebrate the Nation" for Catholic Schools Week 2025! Students will be attending Sonshine Mass at the Cathedral at 9:00 AM! Directly after Mass, we will be praying the Rosary around the flagpole. Kelly High School will be passing out rosaries to the students.

Join us tomorrow at 6PM in the cafeteria!

Tuesday is "Celebrate Students" for Catholic Schools Week 2025! Students will be competing in a Church Trivia Gameshow in the afternoon!

Happy Catholic Schools' Week! Find out about all the exciting events happening now! Here is this week's edition of the Bulldog Beat.