Parents/Guardians, TONIGHT is the mandatory meeting at 6:30 PM. The meeting will be held at the St. Anthony Cathedral Basilica Church Parish Hall. We will be discussing the state of the school. We will see you this evening!

This week is Discover Catholic Schools Week! Each day this week we will be sharing statistics about Catholic Schools in the nation. We strive to be the education of choice for all in our community, and especially our Catholic Families! Below are a dozen reason to choose Catholic Education!

Calling all Alumni of SACBS! If you or someone you know are an alumni, please fill out this short form to stay connected to YOUR school! Go Bulldogs!
Alumni Link - https://www.sacbstx.org/page/alumni

Uniform Update!

🟦⬜️ There is nothing like good old-fashioned hopscotch, led by our teacher, Mrs. Bruza! 🟦⬜️
It helps them learn gross motor skills like strength and balance. They use all of their body control to leap, hop, and pass the squares.

Parents/Guardians, there will be a mandatory meeting on November 18th at 6:30 PM. The meeting will be held at the St. Anthony Cathedral Basilica Church Parish Hall. We will be discussing the state of the school. We appreciate your support!

Come join us for a day of sprucing up our campus on November 25th for Bulldog Pride Day! Our goal is to clean and shine up the school to get it in tip top shape. Please dress accordingly and bring gloves if you would like. See you there!

Reminder: Tomorrow we will be having professional pictures taken of our campus and students. Your children will likely be photographed. Please have them wear their Mass uniform. We are asking that you make a special effort to make sure your children look their best. Please call the office for any questions.

This week's Bulldog Beat is current on our website. Please check it out to be in the know about what's happening on campus! https://www.sacbstx.org/page/bulldog-beats

8th grade showing off their Bulldog pride in their jackets! 🦴🐾

Don't forget! Our 8th grade students are hosting a "breakfast-giving " the morning of November 14 from 7 AM to 8 AM in our cafeteria. All students, parents, grandparents, and friends, are invited to come eat unlimited cereal and fellowship together! $10/person.

Silly Sock Day is being moved to TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19TH! It is $2 to participate school wide. Please plan to wear your silliest of socks on that day to support the 8th grade Disney Trip Fundraiser!

Don't forget to come pickup the '23-'24 yearbook if you ordered one! The last day to come pay and pick them up will be Thursday, November 21st.

Thank you to all the veterans who have served our beautiful country! 🇺🇸
Lord God, Almighty Father,
creator of mankind and author of peace, as we are ever mindful of the cost paid for the liberty we possess, we ask you to bless the members of our armed forces. Give them courage, hope and strength. May they ever experience your firm support, gentle love, and compassionate healing. Be their power and protector, leading them from darkness to light. To you be all glory, honor and praise, now and forever. Amen.

STUCO had the privilege to showcase their table talks to over 1,000 other Student Council Members in our area at the STUCO convention last week!

Everyone is encouraged to wear silly socks to school on Wednesday, November 13, as a fundraiser for the 8th grade class's Disney Trip 2025! $2/person to participate

We will have a Mardi Gras Gala committee meeting on Monday at 3:45 at the school. Anyone is welcome to join!

Save the Date for an incredible evening honoring, Bishop Toups!

Our 8th grade students are hosting a "breakfast-giving " the morning of November 14 from 7 AM to 8 AM in our cafeteria. All students, parents, grandparents, and friends, are invited to come eat unlimited cereal and fellowship together! $10/person. This fundraiser benefits the 8th grade class's Disney 2025 Trip!